Ed Jr., June Drier and their daughter Carolyn who is now running the market.
Ed waiting on a customer at the country market in the 80's.


A picture of Carolyn Drier taken in 1995 for a magazine.

A 1970 picture of Ed in front of the smoke house.
A Drier entry into the Flag Day Parade in the 1980's.


A 1960 picture of Ben giving two local gentlemen change.
Bill Blass made the apron and butcher jacket that this "pig" is wearing.


A picture taken for Midwest Living in the late 80's.

A shot of Ed taken in the early 60's.
During the Three Oaks Centennial in 1966.


Ed Sr. and his brother Ben taken in 1963 when the market was 50 years old. That was during the time of fresh meat, and the wooden butcher block that was done away with through the state. In 1965 after the death of Ed Sr. fresh meat was done away with.